Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Solider (Chapters 19 & 20)

Lily Tikijian
October 28, 2008
Literature Period 6
Mrs. Pfanschmidt

A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Solider
Chapters 19 & 20

I was actually quite stunned by these two chapters. Ishmael is asked to take part in a conference in New York City. I think that is so cool. That a little boy from Sierra Leone is given the chance to take part in a conference half way around the world. It must have been mind-blowing for him. Especially that it has been not even a year from when he was fighting for the army. Its crazy how fast things are moving along for him. Things are really looking up for Ishmael. I thought it was really sad that he saw Esther for the last time in chapter 19. He had a big connection with her and she was like the first person he trusted in a while. She was like a mother figure to Ishmael. He said that he loved her and he never got to tell her that. Even though that is really sad, Ishmael doesn’t really have time to dwell on that because he has to get ready to go to New York. He goes shopping for new pants, shirts, and everything. When Ishmael arrives in New York it is the middle of winter and it is freezing. Ishmael, of course, living in Africa has never come in contact with such cold weather. It is a real shock for him. He is freezing. All he knows about New York is what he has learned from his rap music. It is really amazing to think that this boy was standing at the JFK Memorial Airport, cause I have been there so many times. Its just really cool to think about. When they check into the hotel Ishmael is able to meet 57 kids from 23 different countries that are also taking part in this conference. He becomes really close with a girl named Laura. He says that the conference is a wonderful experience but he can’t wait to go back home.

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