Friday, February 6, 2009

Romeo & Juliet: Act I

Lily Tikijian
February 6, 2009
Literature Period 6
Mrs. Pfanschmidt

Romeo and Juliet: Act I

I thought when I heard that we were going to be reading Romeo and Juliet that I was going to be screwed. We used to have to read Shakespeare when I took drama in middle school. I never really understood what was going on in the plays. I just never understood how to comprehend Shakespeare’s language. I mean, he could say ugly and he would mean beautiful, it just never made a lot of sense to me. I like how we are reading it now though. I think it is a great idea to read it in class then have us read the cliffnotes for homework. I understand so much more because we can ask questions and discuss it in class then go over it again for homework. I really like having different people read the parts, it just process better in my head. Watching the movie clip also helped me picture the scene differently. So far I think the story is pretty good. I am really understanding it and getting the key concepts, which I never thought would happen. I don’t think Mrs. Pfanschmidt could be doing a better job with teaching us this book. I really can’t wait to watch the whole movie and finish the book.

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